Sharing The Joy of Bird Feeding
The delight of seeing so many active and energetic birds at your feeders, and knowing that you are having a positive impact on the quality of their lives, makes feeding the birds a real joy during this time of the year.
That joy is available to everyone. By providing just a few simple things, such as nutritious foods, clean water and ample shelter, the birds in your yard will quickly become a valuable asset. Not a cash asset, but an entertainment asset that rewards you with many priceless hours of happiness and fulfillment.
Winter is a great time to watch the different types of birds at your feeders. Woodpeckers are busy eating mouthfuls of suet. Juncos hurriedly scour the ground for millet. Finches squabble at the finch feeder. Jays raucously steal peanuts and nuthatches industriously horde sunflower seeds.
Bird feeding is a fun and educational hobby, and this is the season to share it with everyone.
Stop by the store this month and share a bit of the holidays with us.We have the best seed, feeders, nature gifts and advice, and we can help you introduce this wonderful hobby to your neighbors, friends and family.
As we celebrate this special season, we invite you to bring nature home for the holidays and thank you for continuing to support our store, nature and wildlife.
The staff at the Lexington Wild Birds Unlimited wish you and your family a wonderful and healthy holiday season!